Tuesday, March 9, 2010

3/10 Assignment

1.The pear tree Symbolizes Janie's voice throughout the novel, which is her search for her identity and happiness. Janie confuses happiness with marriage relationships and romance. We as readers know that Janie won't find her identity, and or happiness through marriage.

2. Summary ch. 3
-Janie in the beginning of the chapter goes back and forth between the pear tree to try and figure what loves truely means and why marriage isnt making her happy, she tries to become in love with Login but after she just doesn't feel like she ever could she goes and talks with her grandma back at her house and says she just can't. Her grandma is trying to give her ideas to try and fall in love and have a good marriage with Login but Janie just isnt buying it. After she leaves Janie finds out a month later that her grandma died and she says her dream had died, but she had became a women now. This i dont understand but i think we will find out later in the next chapter what she means by it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

3/4 Assignment

3 things:

1. In 1937, a women named Zora Neale Hurston writes an old literatuary form and re-writ the quester about her life at 16 years of age, which back then was a wild and not a thing people did.
2.Hurston also wrote plays, essays and autobiography's, and a lot of stories and articles. she like to wite about blacks in florida and alabama.
3. When she starts talking to "tea cake", they think that the story from that part of her life starts to blossum.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

3/3 Assignment

1. They carry the man's wish and decide what happens with the wish.
2. The watcher is the person who makes the wish seeing what will happen with it. He turns his head because he gives up hope.
3. It puts the emphasis that a man's life doesnt last forever and only time can tell what will happen.
4. The act of accepting something. He might turn away because he cant take in what happened to him or what is happening.
5. They are being immitated by death and death takes over before his wish comes true.
6. A mans wish can either come true or it can sail away and not come true. The person who makes the wish decides to give up hope that this wont come true.
7. Someones life, and someone trying to gain respect from other people.

3/2 Assignment

It is important to know about the author's past so you can take her past experiences and you can see if she is biased about something why she is or why she isnt.